Sunscreen is remarked as probably the best remedy to safeguard your skin from the adverse effects of scorching sun, especially the facial area being the most sensitive part of your body. However, even this protecting supplement can counteract on your skin if not applied properly. Thus given below are the common misconceptions regarding sunscreen application:
Skimping on the Sunscreen
Excess of everything is bad. The quotation acts vice versa when talking about a sunscreen application. The more you apply the better coverage you ensure. Skimping on the sunscreen makes it hard to decide whether you are fully covered with the sun protecting supplement or not. Any spot missed is prone to sun burn, thus it is best advised to use adequate amounts of sunscreen all over your exposed body parts to gain minimal sun exposure.
Limited Protection
The biggest sunscreen application misconception lies in a presumption that beach and pool are the only places that require sunscreen protection. However, the fact is that any minor to major sun exposure can result in skin damage or even skin cancer.
Thus, always step out of your home with full sunscreen coverage irrespective of the fact that you are driving, swimming or walking down the street.
Uniform Protection
Applying a thick coating of sunscreen over your face and arms are not sufficient to fight against the harmful ultraviolet rays of sunlight.
Thus make sure not to skip your lips, ear tops, scalp or feet for a uniform sun protection. Any missing spot will be at a high risk of vulnerability to sun damage.
Only Applying on Sunny Days
Clear your mind of the myth that sunscreen should only be applied on sunny days. The harmful ultraviolet rays are emitted from an exposed sun and a sun hidden behind the clouds with an equal thrust and similar ramifications. Hence, you might not be considered nuts if you apply a heavy coating of sunblock on a beautiful rainy day.
Water Resistant Means No Re-Application
It is good to narrow down the facts written on the backside of your suncscreen’s label, however as wisely said, ‘trust everything, and believe nothing’. A water-proof tag over your sun protection cream does not eradicate the need to re-apply it. Drizzling rain drops dripping over your face or swimming in a pool have equal chances to rub off your sunscreen, which ultimately triggers the need of re-application. A scientific study revealed that a sunscreen should be re-applied after every few hours to ensure better coverage from UV exposure.
20 Minutes Penetration
Applying a sunscreen and immediate exposure to sun will hinder a 100% defense against sun rays. It is a matter of scientific research that any dermal ointment needs at least 20minutes to fully penetrate in the skin to put in action. Hence, always apply your sunscreen 15-20minutes before coming in direct contact with the sun.
Overlooking the Expiry Date
Usually people apply the conception of expiry only to edibles however a sunscreen bears an equal chance of expiration or inefficiency after a certain time of use since the preservatives can safeguard the active ingredients for a limited time period.
Therefore it is best advised to check the expiry label before purchasing a sunscreen, and use it before/within 2 years from the time of breaking the seal of the cream.